Animated Mesh Parade Route Performers. Everything in photo included. See the related items below for more detailed descriptions of each.
1. MESH ANIMATED TEDDY BEAR ON BOURBON STREET throws beads from his endless supply out of his crate. He keeps his jester mask on so you won't know his identity. You and your friends receive wearable bead necklaces when you touch his pile of beads.
Animated bear with crate of necklaces - 4 LI
Bourbon Street Lamp Post with on/off - 1 LI
Bead Giver Pile of Beads - 1 LI
2. MARDI GRAS JESTER JUGGLER TEDDY BEAR on Bourbon Street juggles his colorful beads (necklaces). He balances on his ball, never dropping his beads, while circling the New Orleans style trash can.
Touch on/off controlled by owner only.
Jester Juggler Teddy Bear- 7 land impact Copy
Bourbon Street Trash Can- 2 land impact Copy, Mod
3. ANIMATED MESH BATON-TWIRLER TEDDY BEAR balances and rolls her ball, while tossing and twirling her baton in the air. Use the included rezzer box to start your baton-twirler Teddy Bear on her path. She walks 10 meters in a straight path, then turns and comes straight back, and repeats (loops).
Baton Twirler Teddy Bear- 6 land impact - Copy
Park Bench Decoration - 5 land impact - Copy, Mod
4. ANIMATED STILT-WALKER TEDDY BEAR for your Mardi Gras celebrations, parade routes, and sidewalk displays.
Use the included rezzer box to start your stilt-walker Teddy Bear on his path. He walks 10 meters in a straight path, then turns and comes straight back, and repeats (loops). 6 land impact. Copy.
- Bead Thrower
- Jester Juggler
- Baton Twirler
- Stilt Walker
- Teddy Bear Performer Animated Decorations Fatpack