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Max Luxury - Tropical Touch - Vases w/Monstera FULL SET 30% OFF

Max Luxury - Tropical Touch - Vases w/Monstera FULL SET 30% OFF

10% OFF inworld by the group tag.

Max Luxury - Tropical Touch - Vases w/Monstera sold in two separate versions
- Max Luxury - Tropical Touch - Vases w/Monstera Alba Variegata
& Max Luxury - Tropical Touch - Vases w/Monstera Deliciosa.
Each variant includes HUD for 8 vase textures.
You can also buy the Full Set, which includes both variants with 2 additional vase textures & with a separate texture change for each vase - 30% OFF.

With a height of 1 meter, Vases take 1 LI.
Increasing LI with increasing size.

One piece!


√Copy √Modify No transfer.

Automatic unpacking, add or rez.

If you have any wishes, send, please, a NC.

Enjoy your use!

See item in Second Life