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Mayas - Ficus Elastica Robusta with Wicker Pot, Green plant

Mayas - Ficus Elastica Robusta with Wicker Pot, Green plant
Mayas - Ficus Elastica Robusta with Wicker Pot, Green plant
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Maya's - Ficus Elastica Robusta with Wicker Pot
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A beautiful green plant in a wicker pot
in the menu there are two colors of the wicker basket

Wicker basket in two colors

✿ Brown
✿ White

The plant contains a resize script

❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣

You only buy a flower in a pot, without water and pool

Land Impact :→ 1 flower in pot = 6 LI


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  • Wicker basket
  • White basket
  • Brown basket
  • Green Ficus
  • resize

L$ 35

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Mayas Architecture by Czikitka
Mayas Architecture by Czikitka
Sold by: Czikitka

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