Medieval House- Townhouse.
A Part of our medieval town project.
Mesh only
scripted Door
Land impact = 10
- scripted
- walkable
Very nicely made, LOW PRIM, rustically (is that a word?) beautiful: almost EXACTLY what I was looking for, but--
...However, I'm a liiiiittle curious about that back wall or... enclosed porch? Attached shed? I'm not really sure what it is and maybe I'm just missing something here but I just could not for the life of me work out why there was what appeared to be a wall (and maybe a door?) missing, or... or what... However, I have come up with some kinda fun uses for that gap-or-whatever-it is so far, it's just either a matter of finding the right texture to blend in close enough with the rest of the house if I add a wall (and steps too, if I do end up adding another door; I must admit that the idea of it having a back door - yeah stfu any of you perverts reading that the wrong way... my friends and I did too but still ANYWAY stfu lol - seemed like a great idea once I discovered it, considering I'd unknowingly positioned it opening right out onto one of my sim's pathways)... or one of just... shuffling some stuff around and adding a "wing" (or granny flat? haha~) of sorts - you know, if you could call it something that pretentious on something intentionally humble like this.
However... as is, it's a bit of an open invitation to all and sundry just climbing (yes, climb - my av's not ridiculously tall or short and the floor from that side was about at his nose level) up to "visit"... or a risk of simply falling out of your own house while under the influence or just plain incompetent at walking at the time (we've all been there, right? ...RIGHT?).
But then again, I'm also looking at it as an opportunity to see if my (somewhat rusty) creativity can get a bit of a kick-start back into gear from this, so in a way, I think I kinda like it. Though it probably would have been nice to know it was there beforehand, and/or for it to have come with maybe an optional wall piece/texture (steps?) that could work either on the external wall-gap or the internal one, with/without a door... or... or something?
For now we're thinking maybe we just stick a bookcase there.