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Medieval Door [MESH]

Medieval Door [MESH]

Full perm medieval styled mesh door with frame. Door and handle are one piece, while door frame is separate. AO and UV maps are included. At current size the door is 2LI while the frame stands at 5LI.

The door and frame can be textured with SL texture faces however using the included AO and UV maps will have better end results.

Come see it in my store.
By buying this item, you agree to the store policy and purchase the legal right to use this product to make your own creations within Second Life.

You may sell or give away but only as part of your NON-FULLPERM creations. They must not be "full permission" or "copy/transfer permission".

You may not transfer any of my products [sculpt maps or mesh] to any other virtual world, website, or other medium outside of Second Life.

**NOTE: If you need a mesh door script consider https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Simple-Mesh-Door-Script/6527346 by Sei Lisa (RR Builds is not associated with this vendor).

評価平均: full star full star full star full star empty star
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Great product at a great price!
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2024/04/25 : NejraTu

rezzed the door alone and it was 2 LI, linked my hinge to it (so I can link other things to the door and it will all swing together) and the hinge (just a box prim) with script and the door were 1 LI. My door is 1 LI. :) Also, by creating my own texture with the provided texture, and saving it with a background color, the door doesn't have any alpha issues. Out of the box, I did not have trouble seeing nor selecting any individual faces either, I double checked.

That this door is mesh, comes with it's own frame, includes maps, and has so many individual faces at this price makes it a steal! So worth it!

Middle quality, fairly good value, but could be much better with simple improvements.
full star full star full star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2022/09/05 : Wyvern Dryke

This is a middle-quality door for a good price. I would be so much happier if it rotated at the edge, rather than the middle. As it is, you need to use a hinge to make it rotate correctly.

Also, the AOs are uploaded with transparency, which makes them larger... and also, when you rez it, the handle is impossible to see. You have to select it and choose "alpha mode: none" in order to make it visible.

It also comes in at 7LI, at size packaged. This is pretty hefty for a simple door and frame. I admit, I should have paid more attention when I was buying it. I don't think I can use this in my build.
