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Meeting Recorder 10-1.0 (Packed)

Meeting Recorder 10-1.0 (Packed)

Temporal Gadgets Meeting Recorder 10-1.0


No Mod/No Copy/ Transfer

The Wizards at Temporal Gadgets have done it again! We attended a meeting that had a recorder taking the minutes of the meeting, and 15 minutes into the meeting, the scripted recorder that was logging the chat from the six people there crashed. The script that was storing the chat was out of memory! We knew there had to be a better way. So we created the concept of cascading memory storage, and from that has come our latest product, the Temporal Gadgets Meeting Recorder 10!

This is NOT a spy gadget! It is a business productivity tool for those serious about doing business in Second life. To meet the requirements of the Second Life TOS, the recorder asks the permission of every meeting participant before recording their chat. If any participant of the meeting declines being recorded, their chat is left out of the transcript.

Made to look like a great old fashioned reel-to-reel tape recorder, The Meeting Recorder 10 has a complete control menu, color coded playback for import into BBCode for websites and forums. The capacity of a single recording session is about 32,000 words. The playback menu allows you to playback the meeting chat in easy to copy 16K sections, so that you can paste into a notecard or other document

The recorder uses 10 scripts to store the recorded chat, filling one up, then switching to the next. The recorder color codes the chat of up to 10 individual users. The floating text is keeps you informed of how much recording space you have left for each session. The floating text will be in white when not recording, green when recording and memory is over 25%, yellow when recording and memory is between 5% and 25%, and red when 5% or below.

Available in a 25 participant version and in enterprise No Mod/Copy/No Transfer versions, this chat recorder meets all the needs of your Second Life business organization!

Contact Bopete Yossarian for support.

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