Mega Directory Teleporter Board
Directory, multi location, grid wide and region wide.
See this gadget in-world live and working at our store.
✔ 16 panels, multi page, multi locations.
✔ Up to 200 locations per board.
✔ Owner, Group Only or Anyone work modes.
✔ Included 10 models ( words ) to place on top of the board for decoration and assist with your use case:
Welcome, Events, Rentals, For Rent, For Sale, Our Places, Our Locations, Places We Love , Hunt Guide, Also Visit.
✔ Infinite pages browsing option on menu.
✔ Board returns to first page after 45 seconds or so when inactive.
✔ Neat, simple and easy setup, just one landmark and one picture per location.
✔ Requires "experience" added and enabled in your land. (Steps included)
✔ Simple instructions included.
✔ 10 PBR Materials on menu for you to choose from plus 1 classic material.
✔ Refer to pictures in this listing or live at our store.
See it live in-world!
To better serve you, we are offering 2 locations where you can browse our gadgets in-world, one with a classic environment (HDR Emissive disabled), another with a PBR environment, teleporters available in each location.
This allows you to preview them in-world before a purchase, regardless of your viewer choice.
Copy and Modify.
All scripts are no mod.
Updated: December 2024.
Version 1.2:
✔ New mesh to support PBR with lower LI.
✔ Removed individual models low LI.
✔ Added usage modes on menu: Anyone, Owner Only, Group Only.
✔ Added 10 PBR materials plus one classic on menu.
✔ Pre-work for central server, as a possible future update.
Update v1.1:
✔ All boards will now return to first page automatically after 45 seconds of inactivity.
✔ Add a moveable floating text prim to model C. (You may move the "text" prim invisible at the top of the board according your layout ).
✔ Infinite pages mode on all models with option to turn On and Off on menu. ( When the board reaches the last page, returns to the first one and vice-versa, default is On)
✔ 10 complimentary 3D words included ( tintable with AO texture) for decoration and assist with your use case. ( Best on top of the teleporter).
Welcome, Events, Rentals, For Rent, For Sale, Our Places, Our Locations, Places We Love , Hunt Guide, Also Visit.
As with all updates, they are free and if owned, you should have received a new copy, feel free to contact Andred Darwin if you did not received it for in-world purchases or use the redelivery option here at the marketplace.
I hope you will enjoy this item as much as I enjoyed creating it!
Any questions feel free to IM me. Have fun!
Andred Darwin.
LunaMare Designs.
- Teleporter Multi Location - Click and Teleport
- 16 Panels - Multiple Pages
- Just a landmark and picture drag and drop
- Grid wide and region wide locations
- Fast, simple and easy to use
Good Stuff
Does the job, Top Marks
Awesomely Easy
Just add your LM and a picture as per instructed and you are on your way after you turn it on..
Spacing, Typo's and Wording are important. I recommend to try it. it is worth it.
Bought this along with a rez machine, just a landmark and picture, can't be easier than that!