This is a combination mesh/prim build that is 4 prims. there is a version included with no sign/display that is 3 prims.
There are 7 texture choices included in the package.
The 5 Full permission pumpkin toys are included.
This game will play a small animation and sound effect when clicked by a guest, the game will then decide if the guest has "won" or "lost".
It a guest has "won" the game will give a random gift from inventory.
( PLEASE READ NEXT PART! Failure to follow these steps may result in guests not getting a toy :( )
#1. Set the permissions on the toys included to either Copy/no transfer or transfer/no Copy
#2. Click to edit the game booth
#3. IMPORTANT! Go into "Edit linked parts" and click on the pumpkin with spiders on it.
#4. Place the toys inside the pumpkin w spiders on it.
(Make sure it is in the same prim as the game control script!)
#5 Delete the text in the title of the pumpkin prim that says " (PUT PRIZES IN THIS PRIM AND DELETE THIS TEXT)"
This Last Step will ensure that when a guest clicks on the game it says "Pumpkin shooters: ---- " in chat instead of
Now the game is setup and will dispense the toys if a guest "wins" the game.