G General

Menu Rezzer MPV-FR

Menu Rezzer MPV-FR

The MPV-FR is not a vendor but a menu-driven object rezzer intended to rez product demos and displays, especially large-sized ones or those comprised of many linksets. Script-wise it is a variation of our top-rated low lag and prim Free Items Vendor MPV-F; that is why it is listed in our MPV vendors family.

* Low lag and minimum prim.
* Rezzes up to 100 objects from a single-prim board.
* Rezzed objects may consist of any number of linksets.
* Rezzes objects via a single- or a multi-page alphabetical menu.
* Always visible menu button for group join.
* Fully compatible with GroupMan Pro/Metabolt system for auto group invite.
* Optional framing auto-adjusts to the board's size and may be set to temp-on-rez.
* Scrolling or fading display keeps showing your products' pictures.
* Navigating arrows enable manual scroll.
* Your landmark and greeting card are sent on touch of the title page.
* Logs 50 most recent accesses.
* Logged names could be exported into our Inventory Distribution Unit.
* Deedable to groups (transfer perm required).

See related items for other products of our MPV family:

- MPV-A is specialized textures vending version.

- MPV-E is a unique multi-purpose device, which vends services and collects tips.

- MPV-F is a free items dispenser. Gives away items via an on-touch menu instead of selling via display.

- MPV-H retains all vending features of MPV-S and additionally allows to rez 3D holographic displays.

- MPV-S is a standard commercial version.

- MPV-SD is a parcel dedicated MPV-S. It can be used only on a specific parcel and pays a percentage of the receipts to the parcel owner outside the regular configurable split. (Inquire in-world)

- MPV-SR is also exactly the same as MPV-S feature-wise. The only difference is that the "SR" provides for a hard-coded non-configurable royalty payment to its maker (us) from each sale's receipts.

- MPV-W is a dedicated component of our revolutionary Rent-A-Vendor Leasing Wall

See item in Second Life
  • Low lag and prim.
  • Rezzes up to 100 items from a single-prim board.
  • Rezzes objects via a single- or a multi-page alphabetical menu.
  • Always visible menu button for group join.
  • Logs 50 most recent accesses retrievable in IM by a single in-channel command.