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Mermaid Harp

Mermaid Harp

9 Mermaid Songs (about 30 minutes in all)
With Reziser (Fit the Instrument to your Avatar)
Hud controlled:
Change between 3 different Playing Animations
(One Standing and two Ground Sits)
Set Volume, Pick a Song,
Play all Songs in Order or randomly,
Repeat one, repeat all, next Song,
preview Song...
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Wonderful music!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 24, 2018 by Dahlia Bouevier

Everyone compliments the music when I play for people as they relax on their boats. Great quality sound and couldn't be more pleased! Thank you! <3

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 06, 2017 by Crenala

love it the design and the music is wonderful...but i have no idea what the words on the hud say and it would be cool if you could replace the sitting/standing animations with your own that way it could be more versatile on the type of aves can use it besides merfolk but all in all a wonderful instrument <3

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Very satisfied.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 04, 2017 by Amelap Silverfall

Beautiful, funny and convenient for merfolks such mermaids or tailed creatures!

Since it's not really mentioned, I didn't know it was made especially for mermaids... So I've been disappointed at first because of my two legged aquatic character. Tho' it's with patience and imagination that I've figured out something good finally!

I've simply placed the harp attached to my character's back. And since she has webbed hands, the animation is also not right for her person. So I pretend her to be playing and it's all good. I use it as RP purposes anyways. So even if I don't use the animation just like it should be done the result is satisfying.

Thanks to the artist, good job, and most of all have a good one everybody!

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 29, 2013 by Mystyangel

I bought this with a hum and an ahh..BUT was suprised nicely ! beautiful songs and fits perfectly with your av and sits tooo ! and all for 450 L ...BARGAIN ! and it great for the mers that love to sing or harp play whilst on trips to mer parks or Rps ! very super happy !

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Truly amazing!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 13, 2012 by KatherineSoulWeaver

I was looking for the perfect harp for my mermaid avi and FOUND IT! This is it! Amazing songs...easy to use HUD...great animations....just perfect! I have also purchased a Wooden Flute for my Elf avi from this store and adore it as well! Thumbs WAY UP!

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