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Mesh Female avatar rigged (full perms) - Builder edition

Mesh Female avatar rigged (full perms) - Builder edition
Mesh Female avatar rigged (full perms) - Builder edition
5 Reviews

100 % mesh female avatar rigged

It means that this mesh avatar is ready to wear, when you wear it, mesh fits with all your moves smoothly.

The pack includes :

- The rigged avatar (rezz it to texture it or add your texture)
- Mesh eyes parts
- Lower body template
- Upper body template
- Eyes template
- Head template
- Texturing guide
- invisible layer

You can add on it all your old skin templates that you wear actually on your skin (images)

This is a mesh avatar, a new technology based on 3D and Polygons, introduced recently in Second Life.

This avatar is rigged, it means that there are bones which fits perfectly on your avatar.

There are 3 faces on it + 1 face on each eye.

1. How do i wear it ?

- Just make it glide to your avatar from your inventory
or right click on it and wear it

2. What is the invisible layer ?

- This layer makes your avatar invisible, then you see just the mesh on it

3. How do i wear the layer ?

- Ewactly like the mesh avatar (Q1)

4. How do i add skin texture on it ?

- It's easy :
Rezz it on the ground like a prim
Right click on it, then choose edit
Choose the texture part
And tick the the select face case
Then left click on the part you want to add the texture
Choose the texture and it's done.

5. How much faces on it ?

- As the old templates of SL, there are 3 faces, Head, Upper Body, Lower body and also a face for each eye which have to be worn separately.

6. How do i add clothes on it ?

2 ways
- Add a clothes template on your skin texture :
Save your clothes and skin textures on computer, then open them both on Photoshop, Gimp (free) or else (open in same file)
Put the clothes layer on the skin layer, then save it to your computer in a .jpg file (save as name.jpg)
Then upload the new image in SL (Menu Build, upload, image) for 10 L$
- Link a mesh rigged clothes on the avatar (rezz the avatar, rezz the clothes on it, select both and menu build, link)

If you have other questions, just IM or send a notecard to Mesh Designs owners :
- Tupac redstar
- Plant Obscure

Then you can create a business selling avatar mesh with textures but you can't sell them full perms. You can sell them :
- copy, mod, no trans
- no copy, mod, trans
- copy, no mod, no trans
- no copy, no mod, trans

Mesh avatar can be only seen with a mesh compatible viewer !

These items may NOT be given away or sold with full perms. They are for use as part of your Second Life creations which may only be sold with partial perms (copy, no trans or no copy, trans)

Please don't steal these items for any reason. If you purchased them, they are for use as part of your creations which may NOT be sold with full perms. Failure to comply will result in appropriate DMCA action and a Second Life Abuse Report.

See item in Second Life
  • High quality mesh female avatar
  • All templates in the pack
  • Eyes mesh included
  • Different faces Upper body, lower body, head
  • 100 % rigged, ready to wear
Average rating: full star full star full star empty star empty star
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Mesh Avatar
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted March 15, 2014 by Sunday Spiritor

So.. my review "not so good" .. the neck is like not meshing with the body lets say its not a product ready to use, it requires a lot of personal and additional work to make it right and again even though you get the maps etc, for clothes ...its a chore and a disappointment. As well even if your willing to forgo the neck issue with it the face contorts ..randomly so sadly its not a good choice for 3k imho.

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full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted July 31, 2013 by SayaBanpaia

Ok, it's a great product and I was hoping to make a transparent ghost avi with it, but it works the same way as the normal Avi's body works (So Alpha doesn't work like texture shows) and the head is randomly flickering side to side like a zombie, very creepy. Does make a good halloween mesh for creators. A little disappointed though

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L$ 2,999

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Sold by: Tupac Redstar

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  • User Licensed
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Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 18