G Général

* Mesh Nation * FULL PERMISSIONS Urn

* Mesh Nation * FULL PERMISSIONS Urn

Mesh Nation Urn

Urn in 4 color combinations
Textures, shadowmaps and specular maps included

1 land impact per urn

- metal areas are their own material and can be matched with any of the 4 main colors.

*Please Note that this mesh can be resized, though making it much larger might increase it's land impact/prim count.

You must read and agree to the rules below to use this kit:

This is a Full Permission Mesh kit for your personal building projects and sellable products.
The following conditions apply:

Next owner permissions = Copy OR Transfer but NEVER both.

It must be sold - it is not to be given away as a group gift, hunt item, MM, lucky Chair or similar.

Selling under 25L is forbidden.

Please contact Twistia Twine if you have any questions about this product.

Voir l'article dans Second Life
Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star full star
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excellent quality as expected from MN
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 12/6/2020 de JenniferLimana

Beautiful predone textures and simple mesh design. Basically... As advertised. Did have an issue w the AO map but the creator was extremely quick to rectify it. MN is one of the best fps mesh creators, you won't be disappointed to purchase one of their products.

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Beautiful Urns
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 14/1/2020 de saharaspice

Best looking in the many I've purchased and only 1 prim. Can't go wrong. Thanks. Pebbles

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