vintage mesh console style television and turntable , with a media on a prim television , and loaded music waves files. As always make sure to work on a copy and not the original. be aware with this product that if you link it to another piece, and if it gets unlinked it vanishes because of the juke box script for the radio.
This piece is 1 land impact and full permissions, but not to be given away or resold with transfer permissions.
- vintage
- media on a prim television
- various music wav songs
- 1 prim
It has a floating texture
It looks great. But there are two things I don't like and if it weren't for them, I'd give it 5 stars. One is that it has a floating texture saying, "Console Television" floating above it and there is no way to get that off. Second, there is no choice of music. I don't like the music it plays and there is no way to add my music.
Schöner Retrolook
1 Landimpact ist Klasse
Doch leider Texturflickering
Schallplatten im Covver
Scharniere vom Deckel
Rückseite rechts unten
Texturen leider nicht mit dabei
8 Texturfaces
Wenn Texturflickering nicht wäre 5 Sterne
This is perfect!
I wanted a retro looking tv and this has such great texturing and was exactly what I needed.