3 different candle
( Avatars-3d.com Alliance)
Creator Mesh : Surfaqua Oh
3 differents mesh candle full perm for builder,
Candle Greeting, Candle of hope,
Church candle or Candle for birthday
Land Impact : 1
Candle are scripted (low lag)
This Package included
- 3 different mesh
- 6 texture or template
- 1 script in all candle ( script are not modify)
- 1 notecard
(mesh and template are full perm)
This Script is made : Snoop Acoustic ( scripter from Avatars-3d.com )
The Mesh and texture is made : Surfaqua Oh
Attention Only the mesh is full perm
The script is not modify
Rez your candle
Touch the candle for candles on , then write the name or phrase in the local chat you want to see on the top of the candle.
The candle will turn off after a few seconds, you can set the number of seconds in the properties of the candle
Touch now the candle to change the name or phrase
All texture or template are full perm
Attention : Each candle has the own templates
Candle A :
- color-candle-A-blue
- color-candle-A-pink
- color-candle-A-red
Candle B
- color-candle-B-honig
- Shadow-Candle v1-B
Candle C
- Shadow-Candle v1.C
For more information contact : surfaqua oh, you can find the shop for full perm mesh builder kit here:
** Avatars-3d.com Alliance ** is a union of innovative and imaginative creators in Second Life. Here, artists and designers offer their original and qualities creations. We create 3d objects ( mesh and sculpts), textures and animations.
You can find all creator here:
(c) 2012, Avatars-3d.com. ( GROUPE ALLIANCE )
All Rights Reserved
Buying this product you agree to the following according to the TOS of the online game Second Life, and the legislation about copyrights related to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act:
Do not sell these items in full perm (business in a box) or a RESELL SHOP
These are for your builds or personal use and these are full perms so YOU can sell your own builds.
WE WILL FILE A DMCA on every resell personn who reselled prims, mesh model, sculpty MAP, or textures in full perm.
The protections of the Second Life
- Terms of Service : http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php
- Intellectual Property Policy : http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Intellectual_Property
- Policy on Third-Party Viewers : http://secondlife.com/corporate/tpv.php
- Mesh full perm
- with template full perm