G General

Message Text Board

Message Text Board

This is simple message board for clubs, bars, parties or whatever you want !

The managemet section is at the top where the club announcements can be displayed. Limited to the objects group and a specific group tag.

Visitors can leave messages underneath. they are limited to one line per visitor to stop anyone spamming the board.

Board is copy and mod (scripts no mod).

3 versions included
- Colour
- Monochrome
- Wood

I am happy to do custom versions to suit you establishment. Contact me in world for a price.

to leave a message simply click the board. You have 30s then to type in public chat to leave your message.

There are two parts to the board

1 - The management section

This consists of three lines at the top. To write a message here you must be in the the same group as the message board and wearing the correct group tag. This is to ensure that malicious people cannot change the main messages.

2 - The visitor section

This consists of five lines at the bottom. Anyone can leave a message but once a message has been left all future messages will overwrite the first. Again this is to stop malicious people spamming the board


Edit the board

1 - set the boards group to be the group that the management will be in

2 - enter the group tag that will allow access to the board in the item description

The management section of the board is now restricted to people in the same group and wearing the correct tag. This means you can limit who can leave messages in the top section to yourself or members of your management team.


The board is mod permissions. There are prim faces with a texture for the "Club Message Board" and "Visitor Messages" section. If you edit the linked prims and the face you can change these for your own textures.

You can edit and change the textures or colours on any of the other prims to suit.

To change the letter colours edit the board and edit linked. You will see each line of text is made up of 4 prims. You can edit these and change the colour (do not change the texture)

I would suggest you do not link anything to the board or unlink the board as this can affect its operation. If you do however reset the scripts in the board before using it.

Only the management can reset (i.e. in the same group and wearing the correct group tag)
Touch the board. Then type Reset in local chat. This will clear all messages and profile pics from the board

  • Management messages limited to group tag
  • Separate visitor messages
  • One line per vistor
  • Simple reset