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Metatrons Cube Light Projector

Metatrons Cube Light Projector
Metatrons Cube Light Projector
0 Reviews

PRICE REDUCED FOR A LIMITED TIME!! Introducing The Metatrons Cube Light Projector this awesome piece of sl tech is not just your orangery club light no sir thanks to the HOLOVERSE
state of the art light tech the MCLP actually projects rainbow light in the direction it is aimed (not to be used for greeifeing) when some one or some thing stands under it they are awashed in the beauty of rainbow light and behind them there shadow will actuly be cast!! I've made it copy so once you buy it you can rezz as many as you need and when you see a few together WOW!!! !!#* Disclameryou need to have you light and shadow options turned on in the graphics section of preferences to fully use this item any problems or questions or if you need one with a special texture drop a notecard

  • real lighting
  • real shadows

L$ 500

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Sold by: ShadowMaster44

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Land Impact: 6