You want to serve tasty mexican food on your party? Perfect, have a look:
This wonderful Dish will give you on click an individual salad portion with a fork to eat it and enjoy it! Made with the best red rice, beans and fresh vegetables.
All foods are eatable with the best eating animation, food detaches itself form your hand after several bites! Very realistic.
This is a traditional and very popular dessert form Mexico, very low prim and highly detailed, TRANSFER also to send as gift
See it rezzed only at my Aphrodite shop here:
If you liked my product,please rate it, i appreciate your time and kindness.
Plato tradicional y popular de Mejico.
Cuando haces click dar auna porcion individual de ensalada hecha con vegetales frescos, porotos pisados, arroz rojo y mas, junto con un tenedor para comerla y disfrutarla.
Es un plato muy rico solo pocas prims y altamente detallado, todo esculpido. Transferible para enviar como regalo.
Puedes verlo en mi negocio, junto con otras comidas de Mexico, sombreros y artesanias mexicanas, solo en Aphrodite aqui:
Second Life の商品を表示- Disperses unlimited edibles with eating animation
- Lowprim, yet decorative
- Traditional mexican food, to serve on your party
- Edibles detach from the hand after a few bites
- Transfer, Gift it!