Mid Lengh Cowboy Boots
Rigged Mesh
-Color Hud
YES! Finally!
There aren't that many cowboy boots to choose from on the MP, maybe a few hundred search results under adding "maitreya" to the search criteria. And I felt like I'd tried just about all of them and came up empty, until I found these!
I didn't want some high-fashion, 5" heel thing. I wanted something genuine, you know, like you'd actually wear riding a horse? These are it! They look like boots I'd live in, in RL. They're not rigged, resizeable, have seven nice colours, including plain or embossed leathers, so they'll look appropriate riding my motorbike or my horse, or just kicking around! They're no-frills awesome. I can't believe they were hiding on the third page of search results. Really great boots. Thank you so much for making these!