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Michael Skin Applier Tone#4 "BOXED" Version 4

Michael Skin Applier Tone#4 "BOXED"

Thank You For your interest in Princess Reborn Designs. This skin comes with a one tone applier for Belleza, Nardcotix David, Slink, Omega, & Adam Body, and in Adam, Omega, Catwa, Vista, [AK] & Lelutka Head. To use simply attach the hud you want for your body/head type "ADD" it will attach to your screen, the Omega & Adam are on one hud for both body and head, then Click on the hud and it will apply. It has two options, one with Light eyebrows and one with Dark eyebrows. If your using omega be sure you have and your wearing your omega relay hud. .......Thank you ♥Princess

  • Slink,Belleza Body
  • Nardcotix David Body
  • Catwa Head, Vista Head, [AK],Lelutka Head,
  • Adam Head & Body,Omega Head & Body
  • Signature Head & Body (with omega built in), Classic skin