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Micro Paws DIY Mesh Furry Kit (Male)

Micro Paws DIY Mesh Furry Kit (Male)

[Micro Shrinker]

You must wear the Micro Shrinker to shrink down your Avatar.

The Shrinker is compatible with NSB powered Hud. Just take off NSB powered Hud and wear the shrinker will do. ;)

[Mesh Micro Assist Hud]

Wear the hud to use.

Click on the Camera Icon to switch between Biggie Cam / Micro Cam.

Click on the Walk Icon to switch between Biggie Walk speed / Micro Walk Speed.

[Known-Bug and work around]

Deformation of the body and Offsets are known to be "Off", when you change and wear another shape wihout 1st taking off the shrinker.
To work around, take off the shrinker before you change. In cases that the bug already happened. Just wear the shrinker again and take if off should fix it. If that doesn't fix it, swap and wear another shape and back then go into the edit shape mode, wait for like 10 secs then exit edit mode. That will surely fix the deform and offset.

P/S: If you swap and change into another rig system while wearing the shrinker... wearing the shrinker will only fix the part caused by the shrinker itself, you might need to relog to fix since some other rig system has no way to fix their deformation/offset problem currently due to the way they setup their rig.

There's also an known eyeball problem when return to biggie shape without 1st taking off the shrinker. The only way to fix that now is to relog. But I'll include the fix for it in the future release. =3

[Default Avatar Colors]

There are 4 default colors for you to choose from.
Just unpack the Boxes to get the Avatars.

One outfit is included within the package.

[How to wear]

Just right click and choose (Wear) or (Add) from the pop up menu.

For those using a viewer that doesn't support (Avatar Center & Neck) attach points.. Please right click and attach to any other free attachment points you have. It doesn't matter where you attach them.

[Editing Shape]

You are able to edit your shape and make your micro furry taller, shorter, thin or thick sized... ^^

Those set to 0 by default in the default shape are values that won't effect your furry AV no matter how you set it.. so you can ignore those. =3

[Where can i find head and tail for the AV]

You can shrink down your normal size furry easily with the resize script included in the package.

Just put the script in your furry head or tail and click for a resize menu while wearing the head/tail. (Remember to save a copy of the original head or tail you are working on!)

You may be able to find micro heads and tails made by other creators as well.

[Where to find more outfits for the Av]

You can buy and wear any outfits from creators using Micro Paws powered Mesh kits. They are all compatible.

[Skin Mod Texture Example]

You can find the Texture example in the pack. Just save them to your hard disk and modified them in any photo-editing software you have. (eg. Photoshop)

You are free to do whatever you wish with the texture you modified. You may sell your modified skins as a Skin mod kit for Micro Furry if you want. ^^

[How to apply own texture on the mesh]

You have to rezz the mesh on the floor to apply textures to it. You won't be able to edit them while wearing.

[Full perm Business Pack]

You can find Full perm mesh Avatar building kit at Micro Paws mainstore if you wish to start your own Avatar Creation and Selling.

Full perm Micro Mesh cloth building kit can also be found at Micro Paws for clothing creators who wish to make clothes for the mesh micro community.


See item in Second Life
  • Mesh
  • Sculpted
  • Shrinker
  • Hud
Average rating: full star full star full star full star empty star
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Without head and tail
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted June 22, 2017 by yazrock

Where is the head and tail? Where is the script
Where is the hud to walk?
In the box did not come any of that. A crap

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It's great, but...
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted January 05, 2015 by FireHawk354

I got things to work fine, except the character slides in random directions (Like, I will walk foreward, then stop and the character will slide to the side a bit.
There is also a minor thing where the character would do some odd poses, which look like messed-up versions of normal poses, with only and arm or a leg going where it isn't supposed to.
The last problem I noticed is that in first-person, I'm looking from the viewpoint of the character's crotch and not where the head is, and that movement is overall difficult with the sliding and the fact that the character phases through the ground when performing certain actions.

As I've already said, it is great, but I would like to know if these small problems are just me, or a glitch-up with the product.

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just One Thing That is wrong
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted October 08, 2013 by Furryfox14

the bodies are great but no head comes with it and it is hard to make one that will fit so i will not give 5 stars but instead I give 3

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Great product!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 03, 2013 by Neko Crystal

Using the instruction i was able to shrink my Kani head and tail to go with the body in less than 15 minutes. Recommended!

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 24, 2013 by adelunia999

This is one of the moust awesome thing ever!

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Easiest Mod Kit I've ever used!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 29, 2012 by NightLord Fallen

For those who were with the old days micro should know that it often takes hours to shrink an avatar to micro size. But with this kit it's really easy and can be done in less than 15 minutes! Just wear the mesh micro, wear a biggie furry head, drop the script from the notecard in the head, touch, resize and reposition. That's all you need to know to have your very own micro avatar! Plus it's free! What's more to ask?

The guy on the last post definitely need to learn how to read before leaving a comment. The details are great and it already said so in the picture that head and tail are not included.

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