Midnight Makeover Prize Board
#1 Excellent way to Boost Traffic Flow
#2 Encourage visitors to invite their friends
#3 Help Increase Sales
#4 Promote Gifts
menu Function which allows you to......
Allow Group members or everyone
Set Target
Force prize board
Hand prizes out either at midnight or When target has been reached
Also available:
Grid wide advertising system which allows one to promote MM prize boards & Lucky chairs Gridwide
Where ever one of these boards are rezz'd
- Boost Traffic flow
- Promote Items
- Gridwide Advertising available
It's not copiable and i can't rez more than 1
1. it says 4prims but when i rezzed it out its 6 prims which was more then i wanted i only wanted one prim but that's my fault because i didn't look when i bought it.. 2. its huge its bigger then my store from top to bottom and its no modify. and 3. its not copy-able
I guess on the bright side i only wasted 20L but to me its not worth it. i have a very small store and this went past my roof and took up a good portion of my front wall...
granted its cheap but just remember you get what you pay for.. i only gave it 1 star because you cant give none
permission is NOT COPY!
Here on market you say its copy, but it isn't.
good but be careful
if you have a target prize running you can't rez another prize board next to it otherwise the target prize will stop which I found out the hard way