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-{Mish-Mash}- Traveler's Backpack

-{Mish-Mash}- Traveler's Backpack

I wanted something to wear when I was exploring other pirate islands, and this is what I came up with. It's great for those who are traveling, exploring, on a mission, delivering something... So many possible scenarios.

It can be used in any time period that requires naturally made items. It would work for medieval times, the 1800's...

The pack is sculpted. The small pouch inside of it is sculpted also. There's a map and wooden box in the pack. There is a fur blanket tied to it.

The backpack is modifiable so you can unlink it, and add your own items to it if you like. If you do, take a screen shot and link me, or send it to me in-world so I can see what you've done with it :)

Pack and pouch sculpted with Sculptypaint. (I love this little program!)

The textures were not made by me.