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[Mkbcult] Tanjiro's NichirinBlade Katana Mesh (Kimetsu no yaiba)

[Mkbcult] Tanjiro's NichirinBlade Katana Mesh (Kimetsu no yaiba)
[Mkbcult] Tanjiro's NichirinBlade Katana Mesh (Kimetsu no yaiba)
4 Reviews

Warning: This katana works and looks best in ultra settings only!

Features ▼
1. Tanjiro's NichirinBlade Katana breathing style effects
- gesture execution
- Mizu no kokyū
- Hinokami Kagura
2.Three Animation Sets
- Katana animation sets
3. Built In AO
- Select from 3 different set combinations
- set 1 and 2 are with built in AO set 3 is without AO
4. Interface Control /Chat Command/Gesture Operated
5. Available keyboard controls
- LMA (Left Mouse Arrow)
- 3Lma (3rd Person Left Mouse Arrow)
- LMO (Left Mouse Arrow Only)
6. Mesh Weapon with high quality texture with texture materials
7. Realistic sound & weapon effects (Kimetsu no yaiba breathing style effects)
8. Very low lag script
9. Sheath Location:
- Left hip only

Separated-CS package info ▼
Package 1: [Ccs] weapon version package
Package 2: [Gm/ZCS] weapon version package
Package 3: [LLCS Linden Dmg] weapon package

Control Modes ▼
CCS - 3rdPersonLeftMouseArrow [3LMA]
GM - Left Mouse only [LMO]
ZCS - Left Mouse only [LMO]
LLCS - Left Mouse Only [LMO] [LMA]

Combat Systems availability ▼
- COMMUNITY COMBAT SYSTEM: standard damage only
- LINDEN DAMAGE: standard damage with linden damage value selector from 10% to 100%
Attack parameters
SWORD - 40%dmg
short | 2.5m range, 0.55s delay
medium | 2.65m range, 0.60s delay
long | 2.8m range, 0.65s delay

[General chat commands:]
/1 hits ► hit reports
/1 resize ► resizes main & sheath weapon
/1 resizedelete ► deletes all resizers in main & sheath
/1 ambient ► toggles sound effects if there is any
/1 anims anim ► katana animation set 1 with AO
/1 anims anim1 ► katana animation set 2 with AO
/1 anims anim_no_ao ► katana animation set 3 without AO

[Combat chat commands:]
/1 draw sword ► draws sword version
/1 sheath sword ► sheaths sword version
/1 sheath * ► sheaths all

/1 auto ► toggles auto attack on/off

/1 stance ► toggles stance short & long range only
/1 range 1 ► sets to short range stance
/1 range 2 ► sets to medium range stance
/1 range 3 ► sets to long range stance
mesh version date release: Oct 29, 2019
last updated: Oct 29, 2019
[ Kimetsu no yaiba ] Tanjiro's NichirinBlade Katana 1.0.0
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See item in Second Life View Video »
  • Tanjiro's Nichirinblade katana, Sheath & hud COPY ONLY
  • Available in GM/ZCS/CCS/LLCS
  • Realistic mesh build with katana animations, sounds and effects
  • Texture material included
  • Breathing style: Mizu no kokyu & Hinokami Kagura
Average rating: full star full star full star full star empty star
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  • 1 star:
Prix injustifié, décevant.
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted January 05, 2021 by Vendhetta

On pourrait croire qu'à ce prix là, que le produit est un haut de gamme, les photos et vidéos nous le font bien croire.

Ce katana n'est pas abouti et le hud n'a pas toutes les fonctions, il faut entrer des commandes au clavier pour activer certaines commandes, par exemple l'effet eau ou flame qui ne durent d'ailleurs que quelques secondes. Je vais devoir créer mon propre HUD pour remplacer l'existant, c'est un comble. Heureusement, le canal de communication et les commandes sont décrites dans une note.

Le créateur du HUD n'est peut-être pas le concepteur des scripts car le passage de commande est une chose basic, ou alors, il a eu la flemme de faire cet effort et c'est bien dommage.
Le hud a des boutons vides qui agissent quand même dont des fonctions "delete" risquées.

Les animations ont du mal à s'activer si on a un AO et avec les commandes au clavier.
Si on utilise le clic gauche seul, il faut désactivé la téléportation au double clic.
En mode clic seulement, les animations sont jouées séquentiellement ou aléatoirement. Il n'est donc pas possible de choisir l'animation en fonction de la position du clic et c'est très dommage aussi.

La position du fourreau est imposé sur la hanche gauche, sinon on a un message et ça se détache. Quelle drôle d'idée. Moi, je le veux dans le dos. J'ai donc mis un autre katana non scripté dans le dos.

En conclusion, ce katana dans les conditions actuelles ne devrait pas couter plus de 400 l$ et c'est bien payé.

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Deeply disappointed.
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted April 22, 2020 by JayTheTitan

Before i go into the flaws, let's talk about the pros. The fir and water affects are nice. Kay now for the flaws. 1. the hands are grossly not aligned in one of the stances, forcing you to either choose the second pose, or use your AO. (in the creators defense, the hands were not aligned in the video promo for this sword).
2. the actual combat animations are over the top not in a good way. flashy animations, if done right, can be absolutely amazing. in fact i prefer flashy animations. but these are poorly done, especially for a 1,250 price tag.
3. It requires you to be in advanced lighting mode for it to look good. I've seen too many other creators achieve amazing looking mesh without the use of advanced lighting to let you slide with this one. when advanced lighting is not on, it looks like play dough.
4. why....just why.....why did you attach this to the hip? it should be attached to the pelvis. in real life, the sheath for a sword is hooked to a belt of sorts. that belt being around the waist, at the top of the top of the pelvis, above the groin. in SL when things are attached to the hip, it's pretty much the upper thigh. meaning the sword sheath moves with your leg when you walk, which it should not. this would not be an issue if you had let us attach it to another part of our avi, but nooooo, we are forced to attach it to the hip. If i could return this, i would. I would then wait till they release new weapons with better animations and that have been improved on in the areas i just covered.

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L$ 1,250

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Sold by: mac Keystrel

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Mesh: 100% Mesh
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