[MnM] Tree "Himalaya-sugi"
Thank you for your choice of Mid-night Melody Design products.
Himalaya-sugi is product of "Mid-night forest" line.
Himalaya-sugi is a virtual reproduce model of Himalayan Cedar with 5 sculpted prims.
You can plant it on your land to create your favourite view.
What is Himalaya-sugi ?
Himalayan Cedar (often called as "Deodar Cedar") is a species of cedarnative to the western Himalayas in the eastern Afghanistan.
It is a large evergreen coniferous tree reaching 20-40 meters tall.
The female cones are barrel-shaped, 7-13 cm long and 5-9 cm broad.
This tree is one of the most popular landscape gardening trees and It has been frequently used as the garden tree or the roadside tree.
[ Functions List ]
Touch your Himalaya-sugi to show an owner menu popup.
* Scale
resize options.(Height range 1.00m - 20.11m)
* +1.00, -1.00 Increase or decrease its size by100%
* +0.10, -0.10 Increase or decrease its size by10%
* +0.01, -0.01 Increase or decrease its size by 1%
* Default Revert to default scale.
* Random Applies the random scale (between 10 and 20m).
This function can be used in "enabled" status of the synchronize option.
* Colour
colour setting options.
* Leaf Texture
Leaf texture change option.
* Young Texture of young trees.
* Mature Texture of mature trees.
* Wither Texture of dried leaves.
* Winter Texture of snow on the leaves.
* Monochrome Texture of monochrome ( effective texture on base color change.
* Leafless Texture of small branchs.
* DeadTree Invisible leaves.
* Leaf Colour
Leaf colour settings. You can specify RGB vector or select preset colour or built-in texture options.
RGB paramater must be set on from 0 to 255.
* R+10,R+1,R-10 Increase or decrease the red parameter.
* G+10,G+1,G-10 Increase or decrease the green parameter.
* B+10,B+1,B-10 Increase or decrease the blue parameter.
* Preset
You can select from preset colours.
* Red
* Green
* Blue
* Yellow
* Purple
* Gray
* Bright Base color set to white ( R255,G255,B255 ).
* Black Base color set to black ( R0,G0,B0 ).
* Default Revert to default base colour.
* Bright
Setting white balance. ( You can set the brightness of the stem )
* Light, Dark Increase or decrease the white balance.
* Default Revert to default white balance.
* FullBright Turn "FullBright" option ON/OFF.
* Glow
Setting glow option.
* Glow+,Glow- Increase or decrease the glow parameter.
* Default Revert to default glow.
* Phantom
Turn "Phantom" option ON/OFF.
* Sync
Turn synchronize option ON/OFF.
If synchronize-option is ON, you can change all of Himalaya-sugi settings around you.
* The target trees must be your own object, please make sure all of your Himalaya-sugi's synchronize-option are enabled.
* The valid range of remort command is 100m from the target tree.
* This option itself is not a part of synchronization.
* Init
Revert to default all settings.
* This option itself is not a part of synchronization.
* Back
back to previous menu.
* Exit
Exit settings.
Create your dream landscape with [MnM] Midnight forest Trees. =^_^=
- Scripted 5 prims
- can change color
- can select leaves texture
This tree is very beautiful and is a high quality.:))