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MocapAnimation's Shop presents...HITDEMFOLKS V2 COUPLES PACK!!!
The animations are made with a profesional Motion Capture System, as profesional as our actors and dancers,
this results in products with a very high degree of quality, come to our virtual store and see it for yourself.
• 22 amazing Sturdy & HitDemFolks Dances. 11 Couples in total.
• Includes an amazing Couples HUD (NO REZZ BALLS).
• Intan versions included!
We appreciate any feedback you have to offer and we hope to continue improving this HUD for you.
MA Couples Dance HUD is designed to work with our animations, so we cannot ensure correct matching with animations from other creators.
With the help of a little manual guidance from the dancers you invite, their dances, both in pairs and in groups, will coincide in a similar way to Dance Balls, but without the Rezzed balls.
It can be used in any sim that supports the use of scripts. It does not need creation permissions.
• Long loops, arround 50 seconds each.
• BENTO hands animation included.
• COPY Pack.
• The pack has a 10% discount.
• JUST FOR GROUP 20% DISCOUNT INWORLD, and 10% if you buy the animations separately.
And please, feel free to leave a review, for better or worse, feedback helps us improve.
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