Money Gun - Single 06 - [Chris Two Designs] Version 1.4
Money Gun Money Thrower - INFO - [Chris Two Designs]
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For even more about the Money Gun Money Thrower - [Chris Two Designs]
Money Two Waste!! An LVLing system Money Gun (LVLs 1 - 9,999,999) with 14x ChrisTwo International Bills.
Send money flying everywhere while you Type or Talk! Shoot real or fake Lindens that your friends can collect and become rich WITH YOUR MONEY!
Money LVLing System: displacing your riches, which are based on the amount you "spent" with your Money Gun.
Typer Selector: changing from "Typer / Typer | Voice / Voice" where you will type or talk to start shooting your Money, and every 5 Money Gun Reloads, you will LVL Up. On every LVL, it will take longer for you to Reload, allowing you to shoot money for longer periods.
Activate the 3 Gestures inside the folder to use the voice function.
Money Selector: 14 different Money Bills from around the World of [Chris Two Designs] with an exclusive feature for Patreon & Fatpack, the "Auto Mode" where your money will cycle between all bills on a timer.
By using the Arrows beside the Money Selector / Gun Selector, you can change pages in the HUD
Gun Selector: Patreon and Fatpack Exclusive. Here you can select from 8 Different Money Gun Skins + the 9th Patreon one.
Delay Bar: in this bar, you can increase and decrease the amount of delay between animations. When Always ON is set to OFF, the avatar will take the money from its pocket, flip in the air, and some times reload the gun.
Money OnClick: with this option ON, whenever you LEFT CLICK on any UNSCRIPTED surface and hold, you will start shooting your Selected Money Bills Particles.
Drop Lindens: BEWARE, THIS OPTION WILL REQUEST FOR THE ITEM TO MAKE CHANGES ON YOUR LINDENS L$. After activating this option, a dropdown menu will pop down, where you can select the amount of L$ that you would like the give/throw.
Now by going on Mouse Look and LEFT CLICKING when with REZZ Rights, it will Shoot Money Bill props that people can walk on top of it to collect the amount of L$ that you selected, TAKING IT FROM YOUR ACCOUNT AND PAYING THEM (Only when in Mouselook it will shoot and drop real Lindens)
You can also turn OFF the Drop Lindens options, and when on Mouselook, you will drop FAKE Lindens that, when collected, wont take any Real Lindens L$ from your account.
Always ON: When ON or OFF, it will keep the Money Gun (R) and Money Pack (L) in your hand. When OFF, it will put it back in your pocket.
Clear LVL, here, you can clear all the LVLs from your GUN and HUD.
Resize, here you can resize your Money Gun and Money Hand. If at any point you close the dropdown menu with the sizing options, simply click on the item that you are resizing to get the menu again.
Show LVL. With this option, you can display a Text on top of your Gun with your current LVL
If at any point you need to get a redelivery or anything goes wrong and you have a new version of the Product. 1st, Detach the Money Gun; Now attach OLD HUD. Now attach the NEW GUN. Now Go into the Menu option in the HUD and press Export Data. That will add the LVLs to your Money Gun. Now detach the OLD HUD and attach the NEW one. With that, your NEW HUD will take the LVLs from your Money Gun and apply to it.
See item in Second Life View Video »- High Res. Textures and Materials
- Shoot mine while talking or typing
- Distribute fake or real money
- 14 Different World Wide Currencies
- Animation cycle reloading