G General

Most Powerful Lasers in THE WORLD v1.0 Version 1.0

Most Powerful Lasers in THE WORLD v1.0

Oh no! NO! Creating THE MOST POWERFUL GUN in this world wasn't enough.. I just had to go further. I had to push the technology to levels of destruction that only the maddest of the mad villains could ever begin to imagine! So powerful, it even works in no build areas! Only the most vile of the vile, only the... well, you get the point already!

I just wasn't satisfied, I had to push the technology further, harder, I had to advanced it beyond the realm of comprehension. I had to create a weapon that could break the fabric of virtuality and reign down imaginable destruction!

And again, I just can't, in good conscience put a picture of it here. I just can't... there's children, WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!


I'm not mad, they think me mad, but I'm not I tell you!


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHhahahahahaaaa.... ... ..

NOTE: High priority hand AOs may interfere with the operation of this weapon!
This weapon features unique to this item, bento hand/arm animations.
All scripts, animations, and textures are created by Lillani Lowell. All audio is licensed from a professional audio library, and engineered for this item. This product is 100% unique to Lillani.
If you are looking for original mesh, Lillani accepts commission mesh projects with full permission rights (and/or upload rights).

  • Point and DESTROY!
  • You can only imagine the destruction!
  • Bento Hand Animations for left, right, or both hands!
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Doesn’t work
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted July 02, 2021 by Emilio Almerico

The only couple of things that happen is that hand animation, and when you fire, you “Pew.”

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