A place to put down her pictures to honor your SL Mom
:: Limited time PROMO - now only 49 L$ ::
Mesh Shelves Closet
- Gray & Red
- Only 2 prims
- Copy & Modify
- Letters Picture frame
Mesh Heart - Picture frame
- 2 prims each
- Frame Texture change on touch (4 styles)
- Drag & Drop Single Photo from inventory
- Drag Multiple Photos to Content tab
- Touch to change pictures
- Copy & Modify
Giant Sculpted Heart
- 1 prim
- Full Perm
Copy as many photo-frames as you like
Create your own textures / greeting cards
If you want to give it to your mother, please remember to 'ADD TO CART AS GIFT' here on marketplace since I made it copy/mod but no transfer.
Come see it in-word:
- mother mum mama mummy mom mommy
- shelves closet planks storage
- mothers day wishes pictures photo
- heart frames love hug greeting card wish
- mesh closet 2 prims frames 2 prims card 1 prim sculpted heart