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Mue Tiffany Mocha Skin Applier for Catwa

Mue Tiffany Mocha Skin Applier for Catwa

Thank you for looking!!

Tiffany Mocha Skin Applier for Catwa (Catya & Keme)Mesh Head. *Keme head shown

Includes Appliers for Catwa, Maitreya, Belleza, and Omega.

The applier includes:
5 skin options
3 Eyeshadows.
4 Lipsticks.
Hairbase with 4 options.
3 Eye Lash Options
Standard Skin with No-Brow

Shape shown is Keme basic shape unedited.

Please Try Demo.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!

Thanks Again!!
Skylark Maidstone