Simple fighter with gravity simulater flight script.
Armed with Terra Combat System.
Armed with VICE Combat System.
Owner Only.
Thank you for choosing our planes! Hope you will learn the joy of aviation life with my work.
My planes are designed for beginners. That means they are not always strong in combat or fast in race etc. They are designed to fly slow and safe. There are 2 types of combat systems in my planes. "Terra Combat System = TCS" and "VICE1.2.0". TCS is combat system developped by Terra and is suitable for non-rez area. VICE is developped by THI and use physic bullets and bombs. That means they cannot be used at non-rez area. For farther information, see ""
Helicopter Controls:
W/S - tilt foward/back
A/D - roll left/right
E/C - Increment/Decrement Throttle(up/down)
Left Mouse button: fire guns (when combat is on)
Plane Controls:
W/S - pitch down/up
A/D - roll left/right
E/C - Increment/Decrement Throttle
Left Mouse button: fire guns (when combat is on)
Combat (all in chat):
(TCS model)
'combat on'/'combat off': enable/disable TCS combat
(WCS model)
'wcs on'/'wcs off': enable/disable TCS/CCC combat
'b' drop a bomb (WCS must be enabled and the bomb must be loaded)
'r' shoot a rocket (WCS must be enabled and the bomb must be loaded)
Touch plane to open dialog to select channel(tcs/ccc/etc)
(TCS/VICE1.2.0 model)
'vice on'/'vice off': enable/disable VICE combat
'tcs on'/'tcs off': enable/disable TCS combat("combat on"for original TCS)
'b' drop a bomb (VICE must be enabled and the bomb must be loaded)
'k': enable kamikaze mode
'death message my_message': set a custom death message
'team 1': join Team 1 (other options are 'none','2','3','4')
'channel': choose a private combat channel
'channel reset': reset to default combat channel
!CCC Combat System has been deleted since Vice1.2.0
(VICE1.2.0 with ATMS4.5a) AH-64Apache
'rd on': activate missile rador (guided missile)
'rd off': deactivate missle rador (non-guided rocket)
'hud': get ATMS sample hud for flare
Misc chat commands:
'c' toggle dynamic followcam
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See item in Second Life- Easy to Fly
- Low Prim
- Low Lag