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Multi Vendor System v.1.0.3 * Special Sale Version 1.0.3

Multi Vendor System v.1.0.3 * Special Sale
Multi Vendor System v.1.0.3 * Special Sale
2 Reviews

The use of this sales system is very simple.
Since you're reading this notecard, you already have rezzed your vendor.

The system is composed of three sections:
- The highest section is used to display the texture of the selected
- The middle section is the control panel that allows the sales transactions.
   the first two buttons allow to move between the different pages (in case there are more than 8 elements in the vendor)
   in the central area of the panel displays the price of the item currently selected.
   the more button to the right allows you to get the notecard for information about the object currently selected (if available)
   the second button from the right allows the purchase (the purchase is still possible with a click on the top panel) or the withdrawal of a free object (with a zero price)
- Section below contains the 8 items of the current page. The page change in case the vendor contains more than 8 elements, is carried out with the two buttons more to the left.

The vendor has a default configuration. This configuration provides that the owner is the only vendor to collect money as a result of a sale.
If you need to split the revenue with someone you have to change the configuration to add information on these people.
For more details see the section "SPLIT PROFITS" of this manual.

Now you have to do is insert inside all the items you want to sell.

For each object that you are going to enter in this system of selling you need to create the following elements:
- The item to sell (attention must be copyable. Example name: boat); This element is mandatory
- A texture whose name is the same object and contains its price (Example: Boat, 1500); This element is required. If you want to give the object is sufficient to set the price to zero
- A notecard that contains information utli purchase and that the customer can get from selling system even before purchasing the item. The name of the notecard must be the same object with the suffix "INF"

To make this concept more clear, the sales system you have been provided with a pair of objects inside it called "Item1" and "Item2" so that you can better understand how you must call the various elements to be included in the vendor. When you clear the operation of sale system, you can delete these items demonstration.

Once you've filled your sales system, it is ready for use.

Whenever the system of selling an item is added or removed, this will reset and re-read the list of the objects contained in it.

Take special care not to delete the script and notecard whose name begins with an exclamation point (!).

To change the system of distribution of the profits of default must act on the configuration file.
Sign in changing the vendor and change the notecard called "! Configuration"

For each recipient's share of the profits add a line with the following information:
<avatar-name>, UUID, percentage


Kim Ronso, 22a32ba1-8e59-4f93-9ce0-4b1f936cc18b, 5

In this example the avatar Kim Ronso, identified dall'UUID 22A3 ...., for each sale will receive 5% of the transaction.
You can enter how many rows you want, everyone will receive their share of the profits.
Remember not to insert NEVER the owner of the object. It is not necessary because the sales system assigns him the remainder after removing the percentage of profit that you intended it to others.

And now you can start selling your creations !!!
good luck

  • Multiple item vendor
  • Low prim impact - Fully modify
  • Split profit with many avatar
  • Unlimited number of items
  • Meshed
Average rating: full star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted September 24, 2021 by Maureen Firehart

i cant get it to work

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted January 29, 2021 by SinDee Mureaux

The script automatically sends part of the payment to Jorgy Freschi That cannot be changed. Shame on you.

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L$ 49

Adding to cart as gift



Land Required

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 3