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Mystic Fortune Teller Table with Seance Animations

Mystic Fortune Teller Table with Seance Animations
Mystic Fortune Teller Table with Seance Animations
1 Review

This gorgeous mystic fortune teller table is perfect for roleplaying. The table features a Diviner's chair and a Seeker's chair. TONS OF FEATURES!

Great RP tool for Halloween.

Seeker's chair features 3 different sit animations to use while listening to your fortune plus a bow head animation to use during a seance.

Diviner's chair features 4 animations. The first is a simply conversing animation to talk with your seeker. The second is a crystal ball animation (rez's a crystal ball on the table for use while this animation is playing). The third is a tarot card reading animation, which rezzes a set of tarot cards in the standard celtic spread. The tarot cards are fully functional allowing you to touch to turn them over and read your seeker's fortune. the 4th animation is used to conduct a seance and raises your arms and tilts your head back in a very mystified manner.

Come by the Elegant Goth shop to try this table out in person. It's beautiful and very interactive.

Also includes is the floor candle stand.

A single prim "tipping" skeleton head is included as an optional prop if you wish to collect on your services.

Prim count information:

Actual items:
The Table with matching rug - 21 prims
Floor Candles - 7 prims

Rezzed items used only when specific animations are playing:
Crystalball - 8 prims
Tarot Cards - 11 prims

  • Includes crystal ball animations
  • Includes tarot card reading animation
  • Tarot card table set is a fully functional celtic spread
  • Includes seance animation for roleplay
  • Perfect for Halloween or in a haunted house
Average rating: full star full star full star full star empty star
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Beautiful Fortune Teller
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted August 18, 2018 by TearsFromtheMoon

This is an absolutely beautiful Fortune Teller Table. Love the animations, those are like the best part. The aesthetics are quite nice, although I would have loved the option to do without the rug since that is a particular feature I like to have control over. The table is a bit small but it still works. I am actually going to be using it for a work capacity in-world, however, because this product does -not- provide the overall sense of control I prefer and like to have over my Tarot Cards, I am using it in conjunction with another SecondLife product that does (sadly the cards appear huge on the table with the other product layered over this one, lol). Overall, if you have been hemming and hawing about whether or not you wanted to get this product...just do it. It really is a nice table and you can't go wrong with this as one of your choices whether it is your 1st choice, last or somewhere in between. :)

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L$ 500

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Elegant Gothic Furniture, Gothic Beds, Cemetery Decor and Prefabs
Elegant Gothic Furniture, Gothic Beds, Cemetery Decor and Prefabs
Sold by: Deja Letov

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