*N & B Design* High Heel Pumps "Leopard" (turquoise)

*N & B Design* Mesh High Heel Pumps "Leopard"
This shoes have a Color Change HUD for Skintone.When you click
on the shoe you can resize how do you want.
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A visit in our in-world store is not only for shopping but also for recreation. We provide on our sim several attractions for your enjoyment.
Right next to the mainstore is a beautiful landscape that invites you to explore.
- A park with cozy places and dance opportunity.
- It is also suitable as a meeting place for friends.
- A large cave, which is to explore by boat.
- A big bumper car and a bumper car ball arena.
- Sightseeing flights by Orient Airlines.
- Ballooning and parachuting is possible too.
Have fun and enjoy.
Wishes you
Nancy and Bernie Amiot
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