G Général

N49 Radio Speaker Box from Neon 49

N49 Radio Speaker Box from Neon 49

NEW from N49!

Radio Speaker!

Radio Speaker Instructions

Touch Woofer for vibration animation effect On/Off.

Touch 'radio' neon to access Radio Station change menu.

The radio comes with 11 preset stations already installed but these can be edited to your favourite internet stations via the editable script.

PLEASE NOTE: To change stations the object must be owned by the same owner as land. If on group-owned land the object must be deeded to the group!


• Set up to 11 stations in notecard
• Detects if object may need to be deeded and warns owner
• Menu based controls
• Allows owner and group members to change station
• Script resets automatically when station notecard edited

Notecard Station Set Up:

1. Open the included object in EDIT and go to CONTENT tab.

2. Edit Stations notecard and save. Touch for menu to use.

Any problems please contact me and I'll try to help you...

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Animated Woofer
  • Real Neon Logo