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<NE> Magik Exotic Kit

<NE> Magik Exotic Kit
<NE> Magik Exotic Kit
1 Review

Pony Texture mods for the NutBusterz (Magik) pony avatar. White base textures for the tattoo overlay layer, allowing personalized coloring of the base body and tattoo layer overlays to allow any combination you want.

Includes generic pre-colored textures for body layer, and masked tintable tattoo layers for custom coloring
Avatar modification skills required for application and customization of textures.

  • white-base texturing for easy custom coloring
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One way to earn your stripes. :)
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted January 27, 2021 by Soanos Pacer

This is probably the best stripe mod available for NB Magik Pony right now. The only downside I'd give to it is that it is a little awkward to apply as it requires rezzing the body on the ground. But if you can handle it the end-result will be quite lovely.

I wish there were patterns for the wings too as it would make it even better. But overall quite lovely.

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L$ 150

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NightEyes Fitzcarraldo
NightEyes Fitzcarraldo

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This item contains wearable items for your avatar.

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