NEKOLABS - AnnieMay Jelly Lips BOM

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This is a BOM pack of Tattoo Make Up Layers for Annie May Head, May work on other M4 Heads, results of looks may vary. We are not responsible for products not working on Heads not shown in the AD photos.

Some Knowledge of BOM usage IS required. This Product contains NO Appliers, NO refunds available for products or textures will be allowed or provided. Thank you.


Included in this Pack Are 33 BOM Tattoo Layers For Mixing and Matching :)

Only 5 Layers are Tintable / Copy / Mod
- x2 Highlight Layers : Best worn on top /in 2 shapes
- x2 Tintable Lip Layers: Both 100% Opacity /in 2 shapes
- x1 Lip FIX: this is used under the lip textures to match to your skin, while covering any other skin lip texture.

Other 28 Jelly Lip Layers are textured in a variety of shades and available in 2 Shapes
- Only Copy

-Small shape for a natural cute look,
-Plump shape for a sexy pout~!

Make em' Jelly Annimay babes~! ;)

However, please wear the product how you think is best~!

Thank you for buying my product, I hope You enjoy and have fun with creation!

Any questions about my products, please send to me through Note Card, I may not be available to answer all questions involving other products not made my me.




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Vendido por: nekosquish
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