version: no copy / yes transfer
Dance and kiss pad. Romantic moments at home or rez in a public place you own (bar, club, etc)!
This is the LESBIAN version of my very popular DANCE AND KISS PAD DELUXE, containing:
- 20 couple slow dances!
- 7 couple party dances
- 42 sweet kisses and hugs
- 4 different SEQUENCES. You can chose to play ALL (dances and kisses) or only SLOW DANCES or only PARTY DANCES or only HUGS & KISSES.
This is the NO COPY version of the PAD. Below is some info meant mostly for the newbies and for older ones who still don't know exactly what those "permisions" mean:
- This PAD must be rezzed on ground! Of course you need rez permissions there! In the main picture I made it invisible but you can see how it looks in the second picture on the right side.
- Please be advised that NO COPY items can not be redelivered if you lose or delete them. This is also the reason why no copy items of my items are always cheaper than their respective copiable version. Redelivery in SL is only for COPIABLE ITEMS! No copy items can NOT be redelivered. No copy means.. NO COPY! So please don't ask for a redelivery of this or any other of my NO COPY items.
If you tend to lose things or you don't know where they go in your inventory when you move your home or rez in a no rez area, I strongly advise you to buy the COPIABLE version because that one can be redelivered! This no copy version is ONLY ONE! If you lose it, it's lost!
In fact only the animations inside this PAD are no copy in the no copy version (because they are the main value of this item). All menu, positions and sequence notecards are full permissions and can therefore be modified. The PAD itself is also mod so you can change the texture as you wish, or make it bigger or smaller.
I include in the package a separate facial expressions HUD with FULL permissions as a FREE BONUS, so you can give one to any of your partners. Just wear it if you wish and select an expression or a combination of more (click more buttons). This FREE BONUS HUD is not made by me so I can't offer any support for it! It works with classic (system) heads, the mesh heads have their own expressions HUDs.
For a more complex, menu driven facial expressions HUD look here:
NB: As usual for scripted couple animated items, this Dance and Kiss PAD also needs to rezz 2 balls so you must have permission to rezz and to run scripts on the land where you wish to use it!
Also available as dance HUD (either copiable or no copy), see below under RELATED ITEMS or directly HERE:
You can also test and buy it in world at:
http://slurl.com/secondlife/Left%20Of%20Heaven/232/194/27 (mature land)
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Waumer/187/118/654 (adult land)
http://slurl.com/secondlife/Antemerle/118/225/1602 (adult land)
Enjoy :)
PS: Check also my other related items below or visit my shop.
See item in Second LifeDEDICATED LESBIAN Dance Kiss Pad Deluxe
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