★ Professional presentation board / whiteboard that shows pictures, displays multiple pages of text and plays sound files. Use it as a presentation board, a fully configurable slide show, an interactive book or a sequenced sound player - or all of these at once. ★
➤ Displays text (up to 256 characters, 8 lines per frame)
➤ Auto-centering lines horizontally and vertically
➤ Auto break for long lines
➤ 12 professional monospace fonts
➤ Changeable font color from menu
➤ Displays pictures
➤ Very fast image loading!
➤ Plays sound files
➤ Storage capacity: 250+ frames!
➤ Slide show mode with adjustable speed
(Change the number in the description line)
➤ Owner only, group or public access!
➤ Extremely easy configuration
➤ Entirely menu-driven settings
(NO notecard needed!)
➤ Fully customizable mesh design
➤ Copy / Modify
➤ Resource friendly, fast script (no mod)
➤ Free, life-time updates!
★ Usage ★
➤ Drop your pictures and sound files into the board's inventory
➤ Insert or delete frames from the menu
➤ For adding sound or picture files simply enter their names
➤ Done. It's that easy. ;)
★ Clockwork Bird ★
Quality gadgets since 2006
by Oriolus Oliva
- Displays text
- Displays pictures
- Plays sound
- Slide show
- Multiple pages
Doesn't work at all
I added photos and it didn't play any of them. Script editor doesn't let you edit.