A new calm, almost static male bento AO with a relaxed attitude.
New breath system that can be activated or deactivated via menu and set to different levels.
New bento animations realxed and full of confidence. Stands, walks, sits , grounds
Included the new Vwatch ULTRA
Stands MODE1:: 17
Stands Mode Calm:: 7
Walks:: 7
Sits:: 8
Sits Grounds:: 6
Typings:: 1
Jumps:: 3
Hovers:: 1
Pre Jumps:: 3
Runs:: 1
Lands:: 2
Crouchs:: 1
Crouch Walks:: 2
Dances:: 10
Couples Animations:: 10
Hud controlled
Bento Force arms animations
Textures for the sphere and the strap
*ABOUT HUD 5.XX with gestures, force arms, improved dance and couple system, update button, proximity radar and much more!
PROXIMITY : When activated it detact nearby avatars and will play only static stands avoiding collisions.
COUPLES SYSTEM INCLUDED: It can work with all availabe Vista Animations couples
GESTURES: can be triggered. Edit GESTURES notecard inside your AO hud to change or delete the triggers.
FACIAL MOD: included the option to activate a facial mod, available for several head brands.
Info about the HUD:
This Ao will only work on Bento viewer. To see finger movements, you need bento compatible hands.
Why does the facial motion look bad?: Because your head might not be compatible with them They are made for Vista Bento heads. Some other heads should work also.
My fingers do not move: If you have bento hands and the fingers doesn't move, check if you are wearing a HUD with static hands pose animation on it. (ex Maître hud)
My Ao only show a few stands: Check if you have proximity ON, or you have selected the model Calm or MODE2. Also check if you have the cycling ON.
What is proximity?: Is a radar that will detect near people and will deactivate the "walking stands" avoiding collisions with other avatars.
The stands take a while to load: These are bento animations, that take a little longer to load, also they need to reload more often in the cache. So, use next arrow to pass through all the stands making them load in cache.
I am sitting under the ground!: The Ao include 3 levels of sitting that activate automatically. But really short avatars or extremely tall could not match a correct position on the sit grounds.
Could I Add animations to my Ao?: Yes! It is mod, but take care, the memory is really limited. Try to add a few animations and test, and so on.
Could I combine with other Bento AO’s?: Yes, but remember the memory limits, also Miriam has 60 seconds stands, this is 30. We made them 30 because they load faster.
- new breath system
- bento animations
- casual relaxed style
i love this AO
great job mate .. i love how it not moving all crazy around and it more for younger people like me that in new static style and stands are cool and dances and made me laugh and happy when i seen the Kamehameha from dragon ball z and other poses are great mate good job... i found ao that got static other stuff im looking for. been waiting for ever for AO like this.
Vista AOs break all the time
thought maybe the new one might have been fixed but every AO i've bought from this creator stops working after a bit, this one was broken right out of the box.. Good animations though :/
Very Disapointing
Walk is decent but my avatar stands there like a stick. I love there past aos but this is very disappointing. I recommend getting the victor or dangers man by vistia instead
Awesome work Vista!!! This is the AO, I've been hunting for, for 8 years it seems. Again, masterful work as to be expected. Thank you for a great product! Look forward to many more to come!