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NG Designs - The Hemlock tree

NG Designs - The Hemlock tree

The Hemlock Tree
By NG Designs

“From the earliest human writings and myths, trees have represented the power and mystery of nature. Large, ancient trees seemed immortal, demanding respect and reverence…When struck by lightning or set aflame, trees, even in death, were creatures of worship, awe, and fear - the homes of gods." - Kim D. Coder

Aside from its age old use a toxin used for poison, the Hemlock tree is traditionally associated with various forms of witch craft and the “Dark arts”

What better place to live for a practitioner of magic? Take the power of the Hemlock as your own and live amongst its gnarled branches.

The Hemlock Tree is for those looking to rp a darker sort of wiccan, druid or mage character.

The Hemlock tree provides three levels of RP space. Well appointed living quarters are on the first floor which comes with built in bed & draperies; A cozy window seat and roaring fireplace complete with boiling cauldron.

Now because not everyone has the same taste, the soft furnishings are all texture change by touch with many possible combinations.

The middle level has a texture change floor and provides a secretive space for your scrying or divining work.

Keep a watchful eye on the neighbors from the upper branch area.

Total prims: 61

Footprint:12 x 13 without roots 21 x 23 with roots- this can be controlled by varying the depth of the house when rezzed.

The built in bed has both singles and PG Couples poses. For couples poses "Sit" on the pillows. For Singles poses "sit" on the mattress.

Touching any soft furnishing will change the texture.

There are:
35 textures in each piece of soft furnishing
20 textures in the bed drapes

The Bench also has singles and Couples poses. "Sit" on the cushions to the left (when facing bench) for couples poses and "sit" on the cushion to the right for single. For ground poses "sit" on the cushion propped against the bench.

As always, if you have any questions send me a note card and I’ll get back to you asap

Also if you'd like to see a copy inworld visit the upper rezzing platform of my store in Briarhaven.

Naeve Greybeard
NG Designs

See item in Second Life
  • Texture change furnishings
  • Built in animations
  • Hidden Chamber on second floor with texture change floor