Includes raw mesh, ambient occlusion map (1024) and UV map (1024) You can see this item inworld.
There are three material faces assigned, one for foil top, one for label and one for the main surface.
Label area is mapped to take a square (256 x 256 for example) label texture. TEXTURE SHOWN IS NOT INCLUDED.
There is a User License attached to this item.
End user license for builders
The term 'full perm' in this instance means you are permitted to use the mesh objects and maps in your builds - personal & commercial but the the mesh items and textures may NOT be sold as full perm items. Both textures and maps remain the intellectual property of Charles Hera.
Your purchases may not be resold or redistributed either individually or repackaged. Charles Hera holds the original files and records all transactions. By purchasing these objects and maps you agree to the following; You will not resell, repackage or distribute any of the items as is.
Add your own textures, animations, shadow prims -- make them your own.
You understand that Charles Hera retains the copyright and ownership of these mesh objects and maps. Passing on goods is theft and will be treated as such.
These items are meant ONLY for the SECOND LIFE GRID. Porting them onto other grids is against this agreement.
You MAY:
- Use this mesh in your creations and resell using EITHER copy OR transfer permissions.
- Export the ambient maps to your computer to edit and create your own textures, adding them to the objects purchased.
- Use these mesh as PART of a hunt or store freebie as long as the permission is NO TRANSFER.
- Sell this mesh individually without making changes..
- Sell the mesh in your creations with all permissions.
- Sell the mesh in your creations with permissions copy and transfer simultaneously
- Full Perm
- bottle
I am having a ridiculous amount of fun designing my own bottles with this fantastic little kit.
The mesh is great and everything you need is included, it is really top-notch.
A fine bottle
I was looking for a bottle to make a hot chili sauce and this was it. It has 3 faces: bottle neck, bottle and label. Great work to a cheap price. Thank you.