**NOYA** designs is new young design with *NEW* AO in range DARING - girl AO, no static poses, all animations, and has temporary PROMO/SALE for all daring girls.
Animations with half Motion Capture System ,
= Smooth daring girl animations ,
= model and sexy walks,
= fully animated groundsits,
= fully animated chair sits,
= sunbathing,
= sleeping,
= flying,
= skipping/running ,
= falling
= jumping
= turn right, turn left
= floating in water and swimming and crouch
= and a whole lot more
AO is designed on high demand on my customers, for basics in Second Life. You can test animations yourself if Come to Landmark of =NOYA Resident= in my profile to test animations on posestands.
Thank you for shopping NOYA
I do not speak English very well
Please sent mail and patient please, I use translation
-I heart you-
=passion for fashion=
my favourite ao so far
with this ao, there are a lot of animations, there are 2 different note cards that you can choose to load, a default note card, and the daring notecard.
Plus you can tp inworld, to somewhere to demo the stands, walks etc which is obviously a big bonus.
Yes there are some animations I would not personally use, so I did delete these. As you get so many animations it was still a bargain and I'm very pleased with it.
Try this out first!
I wish I would have tried this out in the in-world store before I bought it. While the animations are very smooth, several of them seem unnatural. People just don't move like that : /
I took it apart and replaced a good many of the anims with bits and pieces from other AOs that I owned, so I have a good set in the end, but since the other anims were from freebie AOs, I'm feeling a bit of buyer's remorse.
Am I a Horse?
There is one animation in this that ruins the whole thing. I don't know what it is called or I'd remove it from the hud myself but it looks like a horse counting pawing at the pavement and doesn't look "darling" in the least. It ruins the entire ao for me.
great ao
fun and sassy without being overly cutesy, natuaral and easy what a real woman is like with a little bit of cheeky. fun fun fun ao