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Product: NS Industrial Display
This is a 100% mesh creation with low prim weight, this item is versatile, you can unlink some pieces to better adapt to your needs.
- The product box contains:
2 Mesh models.
NS Industrial Display Shelf - 1 LI
NS NS clothes hanger 1x - 1 LI
NS clothes hanger 3X - 1 LI
NS Industrial Crate - 1 LI
NS Industrial Display Wall - 1 LI
NS Banner Fabric - 3 LI
- The model can be resized up to 64m, land impact can increase.
Please leave your opinion about this product so that I can always work to meet the expectation.
Doubts, problems or suggestions, IM at Nayrton Solo
I will always be ready to offer you the best service.
- 100% Mesh
- Store Display
- Low Prim