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::..NS..:: Roads Urban

::..NS..:: Roads Urban
::..NS..:: Roads Urban
0 Reviews

Product: NS Urban Roads

This is a 100% mesh creation. With this set of roads you will play legos, you can assemble different styles for small or large areas, your imagination is the limit, I tried to make as many pieces as possible so that they fit and that they can serve for different styles.

- Product Crate contains 26 pieces

NS Roads Asphalt curve Corner - 1LI
NS Roads Sidewalk with edge - 1LI
NS Roads Walkway 2x1.5m - 1LI
NS Roads Walkway 6x4m - 1LI
NS Roads Walkway 6x6m - 1LI
NS Roads T Junction - 11LI
NS Roads Straight B - 1LI
NS Roads Straight 10x2m - 1LI
NS Roads Straight C - 1LI
NS Roads Walkway 10x1.5m - 1LI
NS Roads Straight A - 4LI
NS Roads Curverd Sidewalk A - 2LI
NS Roads Curverd Sidewalk B - 1LI
NS Roads Sidewalk With Ramp B 2x10m - 3LI
NS Roads Sidewalk With Ramp A 2x10m - 1LI
NS Roads Roads End 1 - 6LI
NS Roads Road with flowerbed - 3LI
NS Roads Road with Sewer - 6LI
NS Roads Roads End 2 - 11LI
NS Roads X Junction - 17LI
NS Roads Model Example 3 - 61LI
NS Roads Parking Example 2- 52LI
NS Roads Model Example 1 - 45LI
NS Roads Curve - 11LI
NS Roads Straight 10x10m A - 3LI
NS Roads Straight 10x20m H - 10L



- The model can be resized up to 64m, land impact can increase.


Please leave your opinion about this product so that I can always work to meet the expectation.

Doubts, problems or suggestions, IM at Nayrton Solo
I will always be ready to offer you the best service.

  • 100% Mesh
  • Roads
  • High quality

L$ 799

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Sold by: Nayrton Solo

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