Updated my rigged lashes for Tygr and Katzen!
Added middle lashes~
I was inspired by all middle lashes addons for humans and wanted to make one for furries too ;w;
pic with differences between default katzen lashes and these lashes
They are FREE inworld
Veja o item no Second LifeLOVE!
These are so good. SO GOOD. Just buy them. I literally can't stop using these.
Lovely Lush Lashes
I love how full these are and how pretty they are on my avatar, easy to use, I just tinted them black and linked to the head linkset and bam. xD
Love them~
Very cute, certainly makes the eyes pop in a sultry/cute way :) Would love to see a version made for the cerberus canis if possible in the future but in the meantime will be definitely saving money to buy these for other heads ie fennex/espen etc