G Generell

[NSH] Regalia Athletic - Virginkiller

[NSH] Regalia Athletic - Virginkiller

Kill a virgin?
Sacrifice a dragon?
Are you a virgin?
Not for much longer!

This pack comes with 5 different designs and three (6...)different color patterns. Fitted to the Regalia Athletic body AND Regalia Athletic Flat (Fits on 1.7.6 as well as Experimental) and you can choose between a simple knot on your back or a cute bow!

Each provided color pattern also has a Grey counterpart which sports individual faces for you to color!

Due to the nature of being unscripted you have to Rez the shirt on the ground and select the faces you want to tint.

Also, yes: Those are 120 objects!
Only wear one please ;)

  • Rigged
  • Includes PSDs
Durchschnittliche Einstufung: full star full star full star full star full star
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It's good!
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 7.8.2021 von Cinos Field

Great fit. They look good - well, the grey and tintable ones do. The colorful ones do too, if they happen to be your style, they just weren't mine. One little problem is that if you bend over while wearing this, your butt will stick through it, but that's probably not fixable for niche animations.

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