[NTC] Nita’s Treasure Chest presents a new "Toy". A Bodyguard / Bouncer, that’s usable as a stand alone, as well as a companion. You don’t need to be afraid anymore with these "Muscleplayers" hehe. Simply rezz or ADD. This is a Copy version so rezz as many as you like.
[Watch them in Action in Video below]
For any Question im Huanita Wunderlich
Thanks for shopping
Well............I guess this could be a Bouncer if ya want him Danny DeVito size!
Check out my Pit Bull >> https://gyazo.com/da5f5fabd0768b2eca705ebcd304ce4e
He really needs to be BIGGER than me, FFS. And you cannot make him phantom, which means you need to place him in an area that others will not bump into him or get stuck on him. Otherwise great idea.
He's cool
I'd love it if he could be made to stand still like a door man.
Yeah to bad
about not being able to resize him. He's under 6.0 feet tall. 0.o
I'm 5.60 feet tall he is only a half head taller than me. lol
I was expecting some huge intimidating club bouncer type of guy.
Oh well, it's a neat creation nonetheless.
pretty good but only downside is you cannot resize the actual size is more like a playground bully