NYC Brownstone Build (Gray Facade left corner tower-B red wallpaper)
New York City Brownstone Build, inspired in Brooklyn builds, realistic created giving you a complete home feeling. Real prim windows, with light effect on floor when open/close, sounds when walking on the wooden stairs, will give you the final touch of being in a well made home.
85 prims
Footprint: 14m x 15m x 15m
Fits 256sqm!
* Full Copy
* Mod: Door and Floor prims are mod
* Rez-Faux system with custom API (single box to rez and move the house!)
- Lock Doors with chat commands (lock/unlock, add/remove avatars) and custom sounds
- Windows System Menu (close/open/frame, open all/close all/frame all, group, owner, all) with light effect
Come see them rezzed! Visit our store in-world for more wallpaper and facade options!
We have available 3 different facade textures, 3 different wallpapers, 7 different designs for each, making 63 different options!
See item in Second Life