G Général

[NaT]-dEcO- Winged Bulb Floating

[NaT]-dEcO- Winged Bulb Floating

Decorative lamp, cute decoration for a home, garden or park.
-Turn on/off the light by clicking it.
-Scripted to float around. Reset the script when you move them to make sure they stay in place.
-These are copy and modify so you are able to adjust them to your liking. Always make a copy before editing!
You can see these rezzed at the in-world store. You can also see the hanging version of the lamp there.

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just gorgeous i love them
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 25/5/2015 de Lilah Hexem

just gorgeous i love them i have them in my club :D

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 4/3/2013 de NyahAmalys

Its the cutest thing ever, works great. The creator, Vanilla is very helpful too!

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