this is mesh nano avatar,
it is only 10cm tall,
try it out, it's a new nano world!
very neat nano fairy avatar, with a sweet glowing orb to stay a little more visible to those half-sighted biggies. every thing is modifyable so i've been making copies of the hair, skirt, and wings, to texture and tint.
sl doesn't let our physical size really be this small, so this is a very cheap way to find out what we can and can't do with nanos, and learn to make stuff compatible.
nanos encourage us to be more considerate, the understand land impact economy and physics, and to resize prim skirts! we can eventually learn to fly through gaps, cast magic, and avoid the male gaze, so if you want a new perspective on sl, be a nano, even if just for one day!
the eyes blow it
its ok for what it is, but the eyes are awful
so cute! omg
I love it! <3 I got this little gem as a gift, thank you so so much!
this is such a little cutiepie